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Great Insights from UITP Ideation Workshops for AI in PT

  • Asia-Pacific
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Customer service excellence
  • Development
  • Future of Mobility
  • Tools

UITP Asia-Pacific Centre for Transport Excellence organised two Ideation Workshops for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Mass Public Transport in Hong Kong (25 April 2018 & 25 participants) and Singapore (9 May 2018 & 32 participants).

They gathered AI and technology experts with public transport planners and operators, industry providers and academia to discuss how the AI technologies will be impacting public transport in the next 5 years. Learning from the leading industries in the field of AI (customer-facing industries, finance, healthcare, etc.), workshop participants brainstormed ideas and concepts where AI could help solve the growing issues faced by public transport today:
1. Increase demands in building intelligent transport systems in smart cities;
2. Develop talent and retain knowledge from aging workforce in railway operations & maintenance;
3. Adjust to higher commuter’s expectations enhanced by the rise of on-demand mobility and sharing economy;
4. Deploy stricter security control in mass public transport stations/interchanges.
Artificial intelligence is already deployed in varied applications across public transport but substantial potentials can be unlocked in adopting further AI technologies. During the workshops, was highlighted the relevant attitude to see artificial intelligence as a tool to solve specific problems and use-cases as opposed to an end it itself.
Currently entering the last and writing phase of UITP AI in PT research project, we are building on the knowledge and insights shared at the workshops to define the trends of AI in mass public transport in the next 5 years and innovative thinking to foresee and adopt to make the most of the technologies!
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