Public transport is first and foremost a service industry.
We don’t want people to choose public transport services because it’s the only option; we want them to choose public transport because it is the best mobility option! To do this, we need strong marketing strategies to improve the image of public transport and communicate new products.
An important element of marketing in public transport is raising brand awareness. Public transport is the lifeblood of a city; it should be seen as part of the city’s culture. The brand of any public transport company should be closely aligned and integrated within the identity of the city, reflecting its vision and values.
Customer-centricity is the name of the game, but customer satisfaction is a moving target. Our sector must continually invest in marketing to better understand our customers’ evolving needs and preferences so that we may continue to innovate and adapt to meet changing expectations.
The UITP Marketing Committee works to further highlight the importance of a customer-oriented approach to improve public transport attractiveness and delivers materials to support this.
“We need to go beyond the idea of public transport just moving people; we need to be moving hearts and minds”