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  • European Research projects

New tools for design and operation of urban transport interchanges

A Toolbox to assess, benchmark and improve urban transport interchanges

Interchanges play a key role in the integration of the urban mobility system and in enabling good intermodal solutions. Their efficiency and sustainability is therefore essential to achieve sustainable transport objectives in Europe. NODES built a Toolbox to allow practitioners to assess, benchmark and improve urban transport interchanges.

These tools were identified under five topics (which correspond to transport interchanges’ key functions):

  • land use and infrastructure,
  • design,
  • intermodality and ICT,
  • management and business models,
  • energy and environment.

They were tested in nine European cities engaged in substantial development or upgrading activities, which provided a feedback loop for their improvement.

More information:

  • 17


  • October 2012-September 2015


  • €4.2m


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