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Project Brief

Enhancing intelligent mobility solutions to promote the combination of ride-sharing and public transport

  • Global
  • Car-sharing
  • European Research projects
  • Integrated mobility
  • Intermodality
  • Journey planner
  • On-demand
Joining the forces...

of ride-sharing and public transport

Access to rail, and to public transport in general, can sometimes prove challenging. It is a particular problem in rural areas and those with low demand, and is characterised by a lack of alternative transport solutions other than the private vehicle. In these areas, it is not uncommon to see dozens of cars with only a single occupant.

From 2019 to 2023, UITP coordinated the RIDE2RAIL project, whose objective was to address this ‘single car occupancy’ issue by promoting the efficient combination of ridesharing and public transport. RIDE2RAIL was funded under the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking.

Enhancing intelligent mobility solutions

The overall objective of RIDE2RAIL was to develop an innovative framework that would support intelligent multimodal mobility by facilitating efficient connections between flexible and scheduled transport services. The framework has been developed in such a way as to integrate existing collective and on-demand transport services, thereby improving and reinforcing the mobility offer, particularly in rural and low-demand areas.

This Project Brief provides an overview of the methodology, findings and key takeaways of the RIDE2RAIL project.

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