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© Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Policy Brief

Ensuring optimum accessibility of pedestrian zones

  • Eurasia
  • Future of Mobility
  • Infrastructure
  • Modal shift
  • Pedestrian areas

Walkability is the basis of a sustainable city

Street life is the motor of society, where humans come together. To make our cities more liveable, breathable and human, city planners all over the world are closing off streets and public squares to motorised vehicles to create pedestrian zones and regain urban space for people.

This Policy Brief emphasises the importance of involving all stakeholders, especially public transport and combined mobility stakeholders, in the development of new pedestrian zones in cities. Public transport and combined mobility services play a critical role in ensuring accessibility to these pedestrian zones, and therefore need to be involved from the very beginning of the project.

To benefit the economy, social cohesion and environmental sustainability, there is a need to align traffic and transport policies to accommodate pedestrian zones in the city.
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