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  • Global
  • Accessibility
  • Communication
  • Customer service excellence
  • Diversity
  • Diversity management
  • Passenger
  • Staff
  • Women in public transport
Public transport for me, for you, for all

We work continually to serve, as well as represent, the entire public transport market.

PT4ME is a continuous campaign from UITP which is meant to spread awareness and advocate for an inclusive public transport to better serve our women passengers, and promote the benefits of a diverse workforce comprised of women as well as men, in efforts to advance public transport.


Women as Leaders

Public transport networks around the world serve all people, every single day. With half of our populations women, it’s important to consider whether their specific needs are being met within the sector.

Public transport networks and services have traditionally been designed, operated, and maintained by men. We need to attract more women to jobs across the sector to be more customer oriented and redress this imbalance.

This year, UITP is placing a focus on Women in Leadership, with a series of activities and outreach, to take a closer look at the issue of gender within public transport. There are challenges ahead, for both UITP and the sector, but together we believe that we can enact lasting change.

Over the last few years we have been making small but significant steps towards gender equality here at UITP. Focusing on Women in Leadership will not only bring benefits to UITP as an association, but it is important for public transport as a sector.
Lindsey Mancini
Head of Secretary General's Office at UITP

Women as workers

Despite growing initiatives to include more women in our sector, we still have much work to do to improve our gender balance.

In 2019, UITP collaborated with the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF),  on the topic of gender equality. Together, we released joint recommendations for the public transport sector to better implement a more inclusive workforce for women.

Women as passengers

In 2017, UITP and the World Bank partnered up to shed light on the needs of women as public transport users. Our message was simple: Make public transport accessible for all.

Over 240 members and partners shared the video in their stations and vehicles, as well as on their social media networks! This campaign has been one of many steps UITP and the World Bank have taken to ensure accessibility for all public transport users.

We are directly working to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality and empowering all women and girls. According to UN Women, “investing in public transportation benefits women, who rely on public transport more than men do.”

Transport should not be gender neutral. Designing transport systems without gender data can be a deterrent to inclusion and become an obstacle for gender equality in many cities around the world.
Karla González
Manager for Transportation and Lead of the Gender Agenda in the Transport Practice at the World Bank


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