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UITP Events

UITP Events at COP

At every COP UITP hosts, participates and engages in numerous meetings, side and fringe events, transportation thematic panels and meetings with decision makers, including Mayors and Ministers from around the world, and media.

Discover the full list of COP28 events UITP hosts or participates in. All times in local Dubai time (UTC+4).

UITP Events at COP28

4 December: Collective for Clean Transport Finance Investors Roundtable
5 December: Achieving Climate Targets in the Transport Sector
5 December: Minister's Roundtable on Transport - Energy Nexus to Deliver Goals and a Just Transition
6 December: SDG Pavilion Transport Session
6 December: Championing Tomorrow's Low Carbon Settlements and Transport
6 December: COP28 Presidency Land Transport Roundtable
6 December: Safe and Healthy Streets are the Basis for Decarbonising Mobility
6 December: Delivering effective policy for PT to meet the Paris Agreement
8 December: Decarbonising transportation in Latin America and the Caribbean