UITP is organising a digital workshop on ‘EU budget 2021-2027: Financing urban and regional mobility’ on 20 September from 10.00 to 12.30 (CET time). The objective of the workshop is to discuss the main implication of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027, the EU’s long-term budget on local public transport. Based on the inputs from the European Commission, the Member States and the European public transport community, the workshop will focus on the most relevant EU funds and financing instruments that will have a real impact on greening public transport fleets, deploying digital innovation or maintaining existing infrastructures.
Moreover, during the Q&A Session we will encourage the audience to interact with the Commission and ask all relevant and practical questions related to the presented EU funds and programmes. We particularly welcome the participation of all local public transport stakeholders, authorities and operators, especially from small and medium cities across Europe, to join us for this highly interactive and informative event!
The workshop will be organised in digital format.
Participation in the workshop is free of charge, but registration is compulsory.
A few days before the webinar takes place, registered participants will receive an email with a link to connect to the digital workshop.
Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at europe[@]uitp.org.