Why Karlsruhe? In the 3rd webinar of the series, you’ll get an insight into the mobility innovations coming out of our host city Karlsruhe in Germany. The city of Karlsruhe has a well-deserved international reputation as an area of great innovation in the mobility field. Karlsruhe has established itself as a digital hub where innovation and research thrives.
The webinar series will give you a taste of what we’ll be discussing at IT-TRANS from 10-12 May 2022 at Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre, Germany.
Experts and key stakeholders from the city of Karlsruhe will join our webinar panel for a lively discussion. You’ll be able to ask questions via the live chat feature.
Presenters to be announced shortly.
ARTIS-Uli Deck// 21.08.2014 Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe, VBK, Strassenbahn NET 2012 -ARTIS-ULI DECK Werrabronner Strasse 19 76229 KARLSRUHE TEL: 0049 (0) 721-84 38 77 FAX: 0049 (0) 721 84 38 93 Mobil: 0049 (0) 172 7292636 E-Mail: [email protected]
We’re looking forward to welcoming you back toIT-TRANS, the leading International Conference and Exhibition focused on IT solutions for Public Transport from 10 – 12 May at Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre, Germany.
As the sector rebuilds from the pandemic, what are the digital trends to look out for?
Let’s get the conversation started early! This free webinar series is designed to help you gain useful insights into where digitalisation is redefining public transport. It’s a small taste of what we will be discussing at the Conference.