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Key Factors of Success to Formalise Informal Transport and the Significance of Authorities

21 Sep. 2020
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Free webinar
for UITP and SSATP members

At UITP, we recognize that the ongoing Covid-19 crisis generates suffering and disruption among providers, users and authorities dealing with the informal transport sector. This raises the question of governance and regulation of this sector.

Examining what it will take to transform the sector, in this second edition of the Informal Transport webinar series organised by UITP and SSATP/World Bank, discussions will focus on: (i) the key factors of success to formalize informal transport and (ii) the significant role that can be played by authorities in this transformation process.

The webinar will address the following questions among others:

  • What are the expected gains from formalizing the informal sector?
  • What are the key factors of success and failure to formalize the informal sector?
  • What framework should be implemented by Authorities to facilitate this process?
  • How could a project to set up a BRT contribute to transform the informal sector?
  • How to imply new mobility services and providers?

This webinar in English will last 100 minutes.

    When will it take place?

    Monday 21 September 2020 from 16:00 to 17:30 CEST (Brussels time)

    What software is used?


    If you have never used GoToWebinar before, we advise you to check the compatibility with your IT system.

    Series of webinars
    This webinar  is part of a series of free webinars organised jointly with SSATP/World Bank taking place from late August until October:

    Recording and presentations will be shared with the participants afterwards.

    Co-organized by SSATP

    Established in 1987, the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) is an international partnership of 42 African countries, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), African institutions such as the African Union Commission (AUC) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), public and private sector organizations, and international development agencies. SSATP aims to facilitate policy development and related capacity building in Africa’s transport sector. The Program is financed by the contributions of development partners to a trust fund administered by the World Bank. Current donors are the European Commission (EU), Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and the African Development Bank (AfDB). For more information, please visit: https://www.ssatp.org


    • UITP

      Arthur CORMIER

      Sustainable Development & Design and Culture Committees Manager Junior Manager – Knowledge & Innovation
      [email protected]