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MegaTransitData launch

Online, from 15.00 to 16.30 CET time
3 Mar. 2021
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The new MegaTransitData project will collect data on public transport from cities all over the world

The MegaTransitData project is a joint project between UITP and Moscow Transport aiming to collect and display data on sustainable mobility from cities all around the world.

MegaTransitData seeks to gather data on topics such as public transport ridership, services provided, the impact of COVID-19 on the sector, among many others. The research methodology within MegaTransitData is developed around various indicators, each focusing on a different element of public transport. Data is collected in close collaboration with the participating cities and their operators and authorities.


Join us for the Launch Webinar

On 3 March (15.00 – 16.30 CET), UITP and Moscow Transport will be hosting the MegaTransitData Launch Webinar, which will set out the project’s scope and objectives. The event speakers will also focus on the role of the COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst for data-driven sustainable mobility innovations.

Our speakers include:

  • Karine Sbirrazzuoli- Deputy Director Knowledge & Innovation, UITP
  • Roman Latypov – First Deputy CEO for Strategy and Client Work, Moscow Metro
  • Shashi Verma – London – Director of Strategy and Chief Technology Officer, TfL
  • Daria Kuzmina – Rail Project Manager, UITP
  • Marcos Moyano Mateo – Strategy and Benchmarking Manager, Metro de Madrid
  • Mircea Steriu – Statistics Manager Knowledge & Innovation, UITP

Register for the event here!


  • undefined logo
    Senior Director of Knowledge & Innovation Department Knowledge & Innovation
    +32-2 663 66 37
  • undefined logo
    Shashi VERMA
    Director of Strategy and Chief Technology Officer, TfL
  • undefined logo
    Roman LATYPOV
    First Deputy Head of the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metro” Moscow Metro
    Russian Federation
  • undefined logo
    Daria KUZMINA
    Manager - Knowledge & Innovation Knowledge & Innovation
    +32-2 433 31 59
  • undefined logo
    Strategy and Benchmarking Manager, Metro de Madrid
  • undefined logo
    Mircea Florin STERIU
    Senior Project Manager - Knowledge & Innovation Knowledge & Innovation
    +32-2-663 66 56
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