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SPACE Final Conference

Brussels & Virtually: 9am - 11am CET
30 Sep. 2021
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SPACE Final Conference

After three years of intense collaboration, the SPACE project comes to an end!

Our mission to SPACE (Shared Personalised Automated Connected vEhicles) aimed at placing public transport at the centre of the automated vehicles revolution and help build a combined transport ecosystem.

Coordinated by UITP, the SPACE project gathered over 50 partners, representing the whole sustainable mobility community.

Come and join us physically or virtually at the SPACE Final Conference, where members of the consortium will present key insights from the project.


9:00 – 9:15 Keynote – Mohamed Mezghani, Secretary General of UITP

9:15 – 9:30 SPACE Revolutionary impact on Public Transport – Guido Di Pasquale, Deputy Director Knowledge & Information UITP 

9:30 – 10:45 Session – Results and recommendations of SPACE  

  • Moderator: Henriette Cornet, UITP


  • Endre Angelvik, Ruter 
  • Luc Texier, Expert 
  • Emmanuel de Verdalle, ITxPT
  • Lieselot Vanhaverbeke, VUB 

    10:45 – 11:00 The future of SPACE – Henriette Cornet, CCAM Senior Manager, UITP 

    The workshop will be held as an in-person meeting in Brussels (Pullman Brussels Centre Midi) in the respect of the sanitary situations imposed by the Belgium government. In this special context, the number of participants in person will be restricted to 50 on a first-come-first-served basis. You will need to check by yourself the travel requirements that apply to your country. Information on current measures for entering Belgium can be retrieved from https://www.info-coronavirus.be/en/.

    The workshop will also be live streamed online through a web platform. The link will be communicated after registration.

    Register hereWhen registering, please indicate whether you would like to attend the event in person or virtually.

    Find out more about SPACE!