Following the postponement of the workshop in September 2022 – the workshop has a new date!
This workshop is the next in a series of workshops in the framework of theStations of the Future project which aims to collect as much knowledge as possible on potential solutions improving the stations. It is open to a wide audience: operators, designers, infrastructure managers, technology providers…. anyone who has a link to stations.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to Daria Kuzmina ([email protected])
The workshop will be held in Jacksonville, before the North America Forum and will ensure that attendees will be able to participate in all events including the technical visit on the first day.
This workshop will continue the outcomes of the previous workshops which identified the user groups to focus on and and the issues they face. The breakout groups will be dedicated to finding the solutions to the issues.
The goal of the exercise would be to brainstorm solutions in order to: