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©Zhu Difeng

The impact of Covid-19 on innovation for urban mobility

Online, from 14.00 to 15.00 CET time (UTC+1)
31 Mar. 2021
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The topic
The UITP Academy is organising a series of webinars in the framework of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. They aim to assist public transport companies and authorities and provide them with the latest information to encourage collaboration and innovation in transport to pursue sustainable mobility.

This webinar is organised as part of the Urban Mobility Innovation Index (UMii). The project, sponsored by the Roads and Transport Authority of Dubai (RTA), has set up a framework that assesses the maturity of a city’s innovation ecosystem in urban mobility, using a collection of indicators that capture multiple features of the innovation value chain (www.umi-index.org).

Rather than scoring and ranking cities competitively, UMii seeks to empower city leaders to implement urban mobility policies and measures that are tailored to their ecosystem and enable innovation, whilst promoting knowledge sharing and dialogue.

The first UMii report involving 30 cities was published in 2017. Since, the World has been through important transformations and cities had to face many challenges.

Today, innovation is more than ever a key element to rethink Urban Mobility.


This webinar will be the first online UMii Forum of the year. It will allow cities from different part of the World to exchange on what has been the impact of COVID-19 on innovation to address urban transport challenges.

A new UMii report will be published at the end of the year to compile best practices and to translate them into practical and actionable recommendations for cities, to strategically integrate innovation as part of urban transport planning and to develop greater urban mobility services to make cities better.

This webinar will address the following questions:

  • What has been the main impact of covid-19 on innovation for Urban Mobility?
    • Was Covid-19 an accelerator factor?
    • Or on the contrary, has innovation being stopped by the pandemic?
  • What are the main innovations for urban mobility that have been developed by cities, since the beginning of the Pandemic?
  • How cities could benefit from the crisis for the deployment of innovation to enhance urban mobility?
  • Will innovation have a more strategic and central role in the development of sustainable urban mobility?

Speakers already confirmed are: 

  • Prof. Amair Saleem, Director – Knowledge and Innovation Department – Enterprise Command and Control Centre Strategy and Corporate Governance Sector, Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), Dubai, UAE
  • Dr. Anastasia Tsvetkova, Postdoctoral Researcher, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
  • Ignat Kulkov, Researcher at Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
  • Olga Pishchikova, International Communications Advisor, Moscow Transport, Rusland
  • Valeska Peres Pinto, Independent consultant and coordinator of UITP Latin America Division’s Best Practices Programme
