UITP’s new taskforce on the workforce shortage brings together key members from across the globe to investigate how to tackle the unprecedented crisis of labour shortage faced by the public transport sector. The group met digitally for the first time last week and will continue to come together over the coming year. The main focus will be on exchanging best practices, ideas and insights into attracting and retaining staff.
The pressing challenges of the transformation of the labour market need to be addressed. On top of exchanging cases and best practices, the taskforce will also start collecting data to develop evidence based policy recommendations on recruitment and retention. Topics will range from absenteeism to diversity.
UITP members already have access to the dedicated page on the labour shortage via MyLibrary. This page bundles the latest research and resources into one place.
staff need to be recruited by Hungarian MÁV-START.
bus drivers are needed by RATP in Paris alone.
professionals were recruited by Transdev in 2022.
The labour market is changing. Our sector is the largest employer at local level. We provide secure local jobs to 2 million people in the EU and 13 million people worldwide. 1 in 5 transport workers in the EU work in public transport.
Every direct job in public transport is linked to four jobs in other sectors of the economy.
In some cities, like in Brussels, public transport is the biggest employer. These jobs can’t be outsourced abroad and provide a stable income to all levels of society. Especially to young people, the career development opportunities through training and advancement are huge.
Stimulating the use of public transport by doubling investment could create at least 2.5 million additional jobs in the transport sector worldwide. This increases to at least 5 million jobs if the wider impact on other sectors of the economy is considered.
Public transport commits to using all the levers available to address the worker shortage. We can’t afford to exclude anybody in attracting talent. So we strive to increase diversity in the workforce.