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Reviving operations: UITP and Moscow Metro publish comparative study report

  • Global
  • Fleet management
  • Future of Mobility

Thanks to the public transport sector, we remain optimistic

While we all kick start the new year with a fresh approach and outlook towards the future, we are still keeping a very close eye on the developments of COVID-19 across the world.

Unfortunately, we are still battling this pandemic. Yet, we are hopeful for better days and the incredible work from the public transport sector really helps us to remain optimistic.

So, despite the uncertainty of what’s yet to come, we thought it about right to share with you something that would shed some positive light: Extensive data analysis, best practices and pragmatic recommendations towards restoring customer confidence and maintaining safe operations. In partnership with Moscow Metro, the study ‘A comparative analysis of key measures and challenges based on world metros practice towards reviving operation after lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19‘ is now available for all UITP members.

A focus on metros

Transport operators worldwide face the challenge of providing a safe environment for their passengers and employees. It is especially crucial for underground transport systems with a high intensity of traffic, where riders are in constant close contact.

However, according to numerous scientific studies and empirical analyses identified in our recent Policy Brief, ‘Public transport is COVID safe‘, the likelihood of catching COVID-19 on public transport is much lower than elsewhere, thanks to the great efforts of public transport operators.

For the research, 16 metro operators were selected from the UITP Metro Division across Europe, Asia, North and South America. The study focuses on:

  • The adaption of services to a new level of demand
  • Protection of staff
  • Enabling physical distancing
  • Customer-related measures
  • Innovative technologies and implementation
  • Key challenges towards recovery
We should never stop observing new trends, projecting and developing scenarios about what is going to happen in the future, and coming up with ways to best prepare ourselves for a better future. The COVID-19 pandemic forces metro operators to better prepare for future pandemics and gives them an opportunity to design a better (resilient, sustainable, and socially equitable) transportation system.
Excerpt from Report

Over 90% of the world’s population live in areas where air pollution exceeds safe levels. Shifting transport to more sustainable modes is vitally important in reducing our air pollution in the fight against climate change and the spread of COVID-19. Make sure you register for our upcoming training programme on automated metros to gain insights and first-hand experience on development, operation and maintainance.

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