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The end of lockdown, beginning of masks: Mohamed Mezghani shares his views

  • Global

All over the world, cities and counties have jumped into action to control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and protect their communities.

Many nations have gone into full lockdown: shutting down businesses, shops, restaurants and eliminating all non-essential travel within the country or across borders. Throughout this global “pause” on activities, public transport remained, more than ever, a necessary service in cities around the world.

After some weeks of this, we are now beginning to see the resumption of daily life, or at least, the initial preparation for this. Several countries have announced a lifting of their lockdown in phases over the next few weeks and months.

While we await the official guidelines from the competent authorities in each government on what this means practically, including for the usage of public transport, one thing is certain: public transport authorities and operators are committed to protecting passengers and employees, while keeping cities moving.

Have a look at our Guardians of Mobility from around the world, filling up our newsroom with stories from the front lines, as they do everything they can to keep services available and running in this crisis period. For some countries, this means no services during peak hours; for others, this means all citizens wearing a mask.

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