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UITP Secretary General Mohamed Mezghani has mandate extended for a new five-year term

    Our Secretary General’s mandate is renewed!

    On Wednesday 11 May, the UITP Executive Board confirmed the reappointment of Mohamed Mezghani* as UITP Secretary General for a new five-year term. This was announced externally during the General Assembly that took place in June in Brussels.

    Mohamed has been the Secretary General of UITP since 2018, when he began his first term in January of that year.

    I’m proud of the accomplishments of the association in the past 5 years, which would not have been possible without the excellent collaborations between our diligent staff and engaged members. I’m looking forward to the coming mandate and thank the Executive Board for putting its trust in me yet again.
    Mohamed Mezghani
    UITP Secretary General

    Before his position as Secretary General, Mohamed served in various positions at UITP including as Senior Manager; Department Director; Head of Regional Office for Middle East and North Africa; Projects Manager; and Deputy Secretary General. These various positions built his experience and gave him an understanding of the inner workings of UITP.

    I’m pleased that Mohamed has been re-appointed as Secretary General of UITP for the coming five years. The past mandate has proven that under his leadership, UITP is in good hands. I’m hopeful that the association will continue to reinforce itself as the international association for all urban transport related matters – growing its global membership and reach in the process.
    Khalid ALHOGAIL
    UITP President

    As Secretary General, Mohamed made it a priority to widen the scope of public transport beyond mass transit – what we call ‘Redefining Public Transport’. His vision was to embrace on-demand and shared mobility solutions, to offer door-to-door transport to the end consumer. This has been well appreciated and adopted by the sector.

    This is one of the many significant achievements UITP has accomplished – including a new all-time high for the association’s global membership, strengthening UITP’s advocacy messages on behalf of the sector, and being involved in more third party funded projects than ever before. See just a short snapshot below!

    People First Strategy: UITP’s new strategy does exactly what it promises: puts people first! See more on this ambitious new strategy here.

    Covid Response: Throughout the pandemic, UITP was steadfast in its approach to defending the interests of our sector. Via critical knowledge sharing, UITP played an important role in ensuring that the sector was as prepared as possible and recognised public transport workers as the Guardians of Mobility.

    Gender Balance: Under Mohamed’s leadership, UITP has focused on gender balance across its activities and organisation, including on its Boards. Discover our focus on Women in Leadership here!

    UITP Academy (going from strength-to-strength!): The UITP Academy delivered a wide range of training programmes for all public transport and urban mobility stakeholders worldwide. Recently it won the prestigious award for Best Association Training Initiative by the EU association awards.

    New products launched: Peer reviews, webinars, digital events – UITP continues to adapt to the changing circumstances and ensures stakeholders can benefit from the improved offerings.

    Internal developments: UITP has been working hard behind the scenes to professionalise its internal structure and modernise its digital tools. A twenty-first century association for a twenty-first century world.

    UITP Summit 2019: Our Global Public Transport in Stockholm, Sweden in 2019 was the most successful summit in UITP’s history in terms of registration, finance, media coverage and exhibition numbers. That’s what we call a win!

    Sustainable Finance Model for UITP: Balanced books, for a future-proofed association. All in a healthy day’s work!

    ... And we're only getting started!

    With multiple activities and events already planned for the coming years, we are working hard on our flagship event, the UITP Global Public Transport Summit which will take place in Barcelona in June 2023. With the current trajectory, UITP has positive days ahead. We wish our Secretary General another successful five years!


    *acting on behalf of Mohamed Mezghani SARL