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EU funded


  • Europe
  • European Research projects
  • Infrastructure
  • Road safety
  • Urban development

Multi-modal Optimisation for Road-space in Europe

MORE will develop and implement procedures for the design of urban corridor roads. MORE will test these in five urban nodes of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). It will deliver tools to assist cities in their roadspace design process.

Corridor roads are under pressure from increased mobility. Delays and variable travel times result in time losses for road passengers and freight deliveries. This requires a more efficient use of road space, applying multimodal design. At the same time, developing safe and attractive cities demands transport and city planners to encourage street activity and reduce traffic dominance. MORE will develop design concepts that acknowledge such variety in economic and social interests, considering the needs of all road users.

To ensure the final implementation and correct exploitation of these results, UITP will lead the final analysis activities including the development of guidelines for optimal road-space allocation on major urban corridors, describing processes and introducing the Application Tools, to guarantee a multiplier deployment in European cities and beyond and an effective legacy planning. In addition, UITP contributes to other activities such as the dissemination of the project.

MORE is coordinated by University College London (UCL).

More information: www.roadspace.eu

Follow MORE on Twitter: www.twitter.com/MORE_H2020

Follow MORE on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups/8721917/

MORE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769276.

  • 18


  • September 2018-September 2021


  • €5.54 million


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