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EU funded


  • Africa
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Eurasia
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • MENA
  • Best practice
  • Electric bus
  • Electric vehicle
  • Electromobility
  • European Research projects

Towards sustainable urban mobility ​through innovative and integrated electric mobility solutions

The SOLUTIONSplus project aims to enable transformational change towards sustainable urban mobility through innovative and integrated electric mobility solutions. To deliver this objective the project will boost the availability of electric vehicles, foster the efficiency of operations and support the integration of different types of e-mobility in large urban areas and addressing user needs and local conditions in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The project SOLUTIONSplus sets up a global platform for shared, public and commercial e-mobility solutions, and to kick start the transition towards low carbon urban mobility. The project encompasses city level demonstrations to test different types of innovative and integrated e-mobility solutions, complemented by a comprehensive toolbox, capacity development and replication activities. In SOLUTIONSplus, UITP will be leading training and demonstration activities worldwide.

Through the regional platforms, a global programme and local teams, the project aims to develop highly effective and innovative approaches to urban e-mobility ensuring that mobility systems and interventions from this project deliver on the Paris Agreement, meet the Sustainable Development Goals and address the New Urban Agenda.

SOLUTIONSplus is coordinated by Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI).

More information: www.solutionsplus.eu

Follow SOLUTIONSplus on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SOLUTIONS_EU

  • 45


  • January 2020-June 2024


  • €20.3m



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