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2024 Scholarship Programme


Inviting the next generation of young, passionate leaders to become our 2024-2025 scholars.  

Are you passionate about public transport and interested in developing your career within the sector?

Do you wish to learn from industry experts to help you make those next steps?

Aged 40 or under and from a developing country?

Then the Laurent Dauby Scholarship Programme could be for you.

The scholarship is being offered to five people every year and it gives you the opportunity to learn and develop your career from industry experts in public transport.

Application deadline: 31st May 2024

I have always wanted to play a part in bettering people’s lives, and how we transfer from one place to another is a significant part of our everyday. Through this opportunity of training under UITP, I became a better-equipped urban development professional whose expertise can affect positive change in society.
Joyce Muriel Aguirre, Philippines
2022 Scholarship recipient
Eligibility Criteria

Open to UITP Member and Non-Member organisations.

Five (5) places available for individuals from developing countries

To be eligible you must meet both of the following requirements.

Application deadline: 31st May 2024.

The scholarship was perfect for professionals from developing countries, where high quality training courses are not so affordable. I would encourage other young professionals to apply for the scholarship, by thinking pragmatically how he or she could use the knowledge and experience sharing gained through these public transportation courses to their home country or city. 
Amul Shrestha, Nepal
2022 Scholarship recipient
Course Content

You will receive self-study reading materialsadvice on programme selectionworkshops and helpful insights along the way.

The Scholarship Programme includes two compulsory core courses (selected by UITP Academy) and two elective courses (selected together with UITP Academy) during the 2024-2025 programme.

We will offer both virtual and in-person classroom training sessions.

After completing the four courses by Autumn 2024, you will participate in a special graduation ceremony.

While the specific list of courses may vary based on the UITP Training calendar, here are just a few examples of what you can expect from UITP Academy courses.

The actual course offerings may vary, but the UITP Academy continually strives to provide relevant and up-to-date training opportunities that cater to the evolving needs of professionals in the public transport sector.

Compulsory core courses - topics
Elective courses - topics
In Memory of Laurent Dauby

Paying tribute to a colleague and friend is not always an easy task; but it is certainly an important one for UITP.

With the passing of our Director of Rail, Laurent Dauby in 2019, we knew that in time it would be important to honour the commitment Laurent gave to public transport throughout his career.

Laurent was a passionate advocate of public transport and his industry expertise was focused on rail, with more than twenty years committed to advancing our sector.

To endure his legacy, UITP is continuing a Scholarship Programme in Laurent’s name, inviting the next generation of young, passionate leaders to become our 2024 scholars.

Laurent’s main focuses were within the rail sector and our training programmes with the UITP Academy, where he took great pleasure in sharing his expertise and being inspired by the next generation of public transport leaders.

Laurent was a respected colleague to many across the public transport sector, and a friend to even more. His commitment to advancing our industry was recognised by all of those who knew him. UITP believes that a legacy such as this deserves to be honoured with a commitment to collaborate with the next generation of public transport leaders. I encourage all of those who meet the criteria to apply for what I know will be a rich and rewarding experience.
Mohamed Mezghani
UITP Secretary General*