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Audit & Assessment

Evaluating public transport processes and services

The Audit & Assessment programme of the UITP Academy evaluates services and processes for all public transport and urban mobility stakeholders worldwide, and in doing so is able to provide concrete improvements.

From planning to operations, and from ITS to cybersecurity, the UITP Academy can audit and assess full processes or focus on the finer details.

We aim to provide:

  • Evaluation of your services, products or processes and advice on areas to improve by neutral experts,
  • Lessons from international peers,
  • Global recognition and confirmation by a neutral authority,
  • Advice by experts who have hands-on public transport experience.

Learn from public transport experts and gain global recognition

Why you need an audit or assessment, 1. Comply with International Benchmarks and improve on processes that are lagging behind and learn from global frontrunner. 2. Strengthen your organisation and improve business operations with the analysis of managerial, administrative and operational processes. 3. Measurement, the high quality reports define clear points to improve and give efficient and actionable advice. 4. Visibility and gain global recognition for the audited or assessed product or process.

How an Audit or Assessment works

Team Set-Up: An expert team is set up to review the process. They will coordinate and moderate the audit and assessment. The operator will need to approve all members on the team.

Assessment: The assessment is observed and run by the UITP Academy Auditors and starts by evaluating the current situation.

Workshop: The UITP Academy Auditors will plan workshops, interviews and meetings, either online face to face.

Draft the report: The member will receive an assessment of the current situation and the advisory report.

Review the report: The UITP Committee or a group of experts review the result of the assessment and the report.

Report delivery: The result of the assessment, together with the report will be presented to the member.


Topics we cover

A UITP Audit or Assessment can cover any topic from operations to policies and strategies. Here are just some of the topics we cover, but please get in touch and discuss how our team can support you best.

  • Accessibility
  • AI maturity
  • Bus tender document
  • Cost efficiency
  • Cybersecurity
  • Fare evasion & fraud
  • Innovation readiness
  • MaaS Readiness
  • Pandemic readiness
  • Safety & security
  • Service efficiency
  • Service quality
  • Sigma level
  • Signage and wayfinding
  • Tendering
  • Training needs assessment
  • UMI innovation readiness

Let’s design your Audit or Assessment.

Click here to get in touch now!


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